How does it work?
- Tell us what we can help with!
- Send us a video of your dancing (if you want)
- Receive a personal video reply!
- BONUS – we will send other free resources if applicable.
Why is this concept awesome?
- We will cut right to the most important elements for improvement.
- You will get the benefit of 2 teachers.
- We will include links to other helpful resources as a bonus.
What is the cost?
- $100 for your personal video (2 teachers will be included in your video)
Here’s how to get started:
- Click “get started”
- Enter your payment info
- Send us an email with the video you want us to critique. (or the topics you want us to cover for you)
- Receive your video within about 7 days
Got a question for us? We’re all ears!
Shoot us an email: [email protected]
Best wishes,
Brian B & Your friends in Louisville KY