Musicality & Timing in West Coast Swing can be tricky. Some people struggle finding the beat while others struggle with matching their patterns to the accents in the music. On this page we will give you help no matter what your level!
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Finding the beat
The first thing we need it to be able to count the music. This video and article will help you find the beat in WCS music!
Improve your timing
If finding the beat is step 1, step to is learning how to stay on time with your patterns. Often times dancers struggle to keep their patterns on time when the music is on. These resources will help tackle that problem!
- How to stay on time while you dance?
- 4 Keys to better timing in WCS
- How to dance 6 beat patterns to 8 beat music
Musicality for leaders
Musicality for leaders and followers can be different. For leaders pattern choices are a bit part of connection your movement to the music. In this article we give you a basic plan.
- Introduction to Musicality
- Choosing Patterns to Accent the Music
- Styling Checklist – Article
- Our #1 Key to Musicality for West Coast Swing
Musicality for followers
Musicality for followers is a bit different than for leaders. Because the follower does not chose the patterns, she needs to be musical within the patterns. Here is some help with that. Also we’ve included a styling checklist for help in WHAT to do when you accent the music.
- Introduction to Musicality – Article
- Accenting music for followers – Article
- Styling Checklist – Article
- Our#1 Key to Musicality for West Coast Swing
Finding Practice Music
Finding some good tunes to dance to is always tricky. While there is an unlimited about of music you can dance WCS to, some people just want to know where to start.
- Our Top 10 Practice Songs for West Coast Swing
- West Coast Swing Practice Music – Our Youtube Playlist
- Slow Music for WCS – Our Youtube Playlist
A Step by Step Guide to Musicality?
Want us to walk you understanding musicality step by step?
We’ve created an amazing courses to do just that!
Inside you’ll learn:
- To count the music
- Critical Timing
- Critical Accents
- Counting Straight 8’s (the #1 key to musicality)
- How to map the music
- Contemporary & Blues music phrasing
- Understanding the build in the music
- Learn a musicality practice routine
- and the list goes on…
The course will include:
- 16 videos lessons
- 6 special patterns to add some style
- PDF downloads to help
- BONUS — 1 hour live video from one of our musicality workshops!
Watch my introduction to the course here:
Download all of these resources! Grab ourFree Musicality E-Book